Man to Man: Campus Outreach Video Journal

Campus Outreach member, Bobby, explains how man to man outreach is so pivotal in pro-life activism. Fathers are also targets of the abortion industry -- and sometimes, whatever "pro-choice" rhetoric says -- it's their  choice that can make the difference between life and death for their child. 

Man to man, video journal -- check it out!

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Respect Life? Act Like It! Opportunities Abound

Respect Life? Act Like It! Opportunities Abound

Let's start out at the base, and same some life! We're survivors of the holocaust of abortion, and we do not want the next generation to suffer the same violence we have. 

Check out a whole list of how you  can educate your community to respect life in its most vulnerable form this month: the babies murdered by abortion.

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From the Trenches: A Separate Peace

From the Trenches: A Separate Peace

I asked myself, “How many miles away is the nearest abortion mill?” and just like that reality reared its head.

If I want to see a world without abortion then I need to do something.



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Outreach Voices: You Think You've Seen It All -- But Then A Pink-Haired Lady...

Outreach Voices: You Think You've Seen It All -- But Then A Pink-Haired Lady...

Wave as the OLD WAVE passes by . . .  students show Mary Rose this generation knows a baby's a baby. In as bizarre an encounter as you can imagine. Check out the report from Orange County in this week's outreach!

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Outreach Voices: Excitement Is the Tone of a True Activist for Life!

Outreach Voices: Excitement Is the Tone of a True Activist for Life!

Yes, Saving lives for our youngest Outreach Team Member? Serious best thing ever. But even better, check out how he saw the fruit of outreach, even when it looked like a pretty dead day for changing hearts and minds. . . 

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