From the Trenches: Emily Talks "Counter Protest"!

From the Trenches: Emily Talks "Counter Protest"!

Emily talks a hilarious encounter with a pro-abort, the subject of coat-hangers, and why Campus Outreach with Survivors is a blast. You get to change the minds -- and lives -- of pro-abortion-minded people EVERY day. But she also gets the chance to show other pro-life students and peers how they can actually impact others to choose life!

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Do You Hear What I Hear?

Do You Hear What I Hear?

It is people singing...How can that be?  

She is in the Los Angeles pit of despair: one square mile of downtown teems with purveyors of deathIndeed, there are ten abortion mills here waiting to strip her womb of the child within.

Are you the voice singing carols for life? Will you be?

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What is a holocaust? Not 56 million dead, according to NM Holocaust Museum. . . [Video Transcript of Request for Panel Memorializing Abortion Dead ]

What is a holocaust? Not 56 million dead, according to NM Holocaust Museum. . . [Video Transcript of Request for Panel Memorializing Abortion Dead ]

Transcript of docents responding to Survivors request to install a panel memorializing 56 million babies dead in American Abortion Holocaust. Kristina offers to pay and install--

This is their response. 

Kristina Garza, Outreach Director:  So you honor the dead only when it's too late to stop the genocide.

Docent: Yes.


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Youth Activated: Visual Blog -- Do You Care, Albuquerque?

Youth Activated: Visual Blog -- Do You Care, Albuquerque?

We who came to Albuquerque, we have survived a holocaust. And we, as the youth of a nation, take that to heart -- what we survived, we will not allow others to suffer while we are silent!

Join us! We've taken the tools of Survivors Leadership Camp and effectively exposed the killing in Boyd's late-term clinic! 

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"All Hell Is Breaking Loose!" and I said, "Good!" -- Albuquerque, New Mexico

"All Hell Is Breaking Loose!" and I said, "Good!" -- Albuquerque, New Mexico

Albuquerque, NM -- Late-term abortion capital of the U.S.


Three vans full of Survivors,  a campaign partnering with prolife organizations from across the nation,  youth canvassing and reaching every corner of #ABQ – we are turning ABQ into the new capital of pro-life action in the U.S.

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Die-Ins Take ProLife Action to the Streets: Camp 2013

Die-Ins Take ProLife Action to the Streets: Camp 2013

When I stand up, I want people not to see me – but the plight of the preborn.

When I speak, I want people not to hear my voice – but the voice of the preborn, and their mothers, abused by abortion.

When I ask for help, I want people not to hear my need – but the need of my nation, bled dry, dehumanized, calloused, by the killing of defenceless children.

To be a pilot means to fly -- to be prolife means to engage in prolife action!

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The Empty Space After "The Right To Choose": #TheyFeelPain

by C.J. Williams, Social Media Coordinator

Today, Congress votes on R. 1797, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Act. This bill is not revolutionary. This bill might even be called weak-kneed as far as the pro-life, abortion-abolition purpose -- it only bans abortions after 20 weeks  because these 20 week old babies demonstrably feel excruciating pain during an abortion, in which they are murdered, torn apart, with no anasthesia.

 [ See the evidence and testimony presented to Congress during hearings by Dr. Anthony Levatino concerning preborn pain capability ]

This, however, is what the Obama Administration has to say about this bill: it is an assault on women’s rights and the Constitution.

I’m here at ProLife Camp, and turning to one of the other Survivors staff members, I said, “I can’t blog on this. This is a statement you meet with silence it’s so bloody beheaded from reality.”

So that is what I want to leave you with for a moment. There’s a bill on the floor to ban the killing of small children who measurably feel agony. The administration says this is an assault on the Constitution.

Here’s the statement from the White House. It suggests vetoing the bill.  Read it. Then re-read it with the nonsense clarified. I've filled in the empty spaces.


STATEMENT OF ADMINISTRATION POLICY H. R. 1797 – Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

(Rep. Franks, R-AZ, and 184 cosponsors)

"The Administration strongly opposes H.R. 1797, which would unacceptably restrict women's health and reproductive rights and is an assault on a woman's right to choose. Women should be able to make their own choices about their bodies and their health care, and Government should not inject itself into decisions best made between a woman and her doctor.

"Forty years ago, the Supreme Court affirmed a woman's constitutional right to privacy, including the right to choose. This bill is a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade and shows contempt for women's health and rights, the role doctors play in their patients' health care decisions, and the Constitution. The Administration is continuing its efforts to reduce unintended pregnancies, expand access to contraception, support maternal and child health, and minimize the need for abortion. At the same time, the Administration is committed to the protection of women's health and reproductive freedom and to supporting women and families in the choices they make.

"If the President were presented with this legislation, his senior advisors would recommend that he veto this bill.



STATEMENT OF  INEXCUSABALE ADMINISTRATION POLICY H. R. 1797 – Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

(Rep. Franks, R-AZ, and 184 cosponsors)

"The Administration strongly opposes H.R. 1797, which would unacceptably restrict women's health by denying her the legal right to have a doctor stick sharp instruments into her womb and tear her child into tiny bloody pieces;  and reproductive rights and is an assault on a woman's right to choose to let a doctor murder her baby and butcher her. [Gosnell, anyone?]. Women should be able to make their own choices about their bodies (meaning, mostly their babies’ bodies), which they ought to have the choice to burn, break, and kill and call it and their health care, and Government should not inject itself into decisions to kill another human being totally dependent  best made between a woman and her doctor.

"Forty years ago, the Supreme Court affirmed a woman's constitutional right to privacy, including the right to choose to kill her baby. This bill is a direct challenge to legalised child-killing, Roe v. Wade and shows contempt for law-enshrined abuse and infanticide, women's health(?) and rights(?), the role doctors play in their patients' health care decisions, and the Constitution which is like, totally full of references to how the strong should abuse the weak; and killing babies. The Administration is continuing its efforts to reduce unintended pregnancies by promoting practises that encourage unintended pregnancies, ignorance, and disease, including  expand access to contraception, and calls this support [of] maternal and child health, because obviously dead children aren’t unhealthy, duh; and minimize the need for abortion just like you minimise a crackhead’s need for heroin by giving him dirty needles and easy accessto a dealer.

"At the same time, the Administration is committed to the protection of women's health and reproductive freedom and to supporting women and families in the choices they make to risk their own mental and physical health, and kill the smallest members of their families.

"If the President were presented with this legislation to outlaw killing preborn children who have been proved to feel excruciating pain during abortion, his senior advisors would recommend that he veto this bill. Because that would be supporting women’s and children’s health."



Abuse always thrives in the dark, behind lies. Sometimes, lies are simply silences -- we are teaching the youth to expose those lies and fill in the empty spaces -- the empty space after right to choose. The empty space after right to privacy. The empty spaces behind child health, maternal health, abortion.

Abortion of what? Abortion, termination, of an innocent life. Right to choose what? Murder. Child’s health? For the “wanted” child, the “born” child, the ⅔, not the ⅓ ripped apart by laws that are based on the lies of empty spaces.

Fill in the spaces, and speak the truth: Abortion kills one -- a baby -- and irrevocably scars ano ther -- the woman.

This isn’t woman’s health. Obama is threatening to veto a biill that will protect children and women, and he’s throwing them under the bus in the name of their health and rights.


Our campers will be tweeting #TheyFeelPain, and calling their congressman. They will be learning how to use blogs and social media to fill in those empty spaces  in the Obama Admin's unforgivable threat to women and  children in opposition to the Fetal Pain Bill. They will be speaking the truth.  

Will you join them?