Planned Parenthood: Get Your Breast Cancer, Get It Hot!

Planned Parenthood’s loud and clear response: “A what? What’s a mammogram?”

But they've just launched a contest asking YOU about why breast care matters.  Maybe because women duped by abortion giants like P.P. have a 20-fold increase in breast cancer incidence than others?  Maybe because P.P. provides nothing by way of real tangible healthcare, breast-related or otherwise? Maybe . . .

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Respect Life? Act Like It! Opportunities Abound

Respect Life? Act Like It! Opportunities Abound

Let's start out at the base, and same some life! We're survivors of the holocaust of abortion, and we do not want the next generation to suffer the same violence we have. 

Check out a whole list of how you  can educate your community to respect life in its most vulnerable form this month: the babies murdered by abortion.

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