We've Survived 41 Years... Break In This New Year For Life with Survivors on Both Coasts!

We've Survived 41 Years... Break In This New Year For Life with Survivors on Both Coasts!

Join Survivors on both coasts!  We're taking activism to the next level as we break in this New Year with a resounding shout for life. Raise your voices with ours, and get your feet moving as we March For Life in D.C., and Walk the Walk on the West Coast in San Francisco for the babies.

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From the Trenches: Emily Talks "Counter Protest"!

From the Trenches: Emily Talks "Counter Protest"!

Emily talks a hilarious encounter with a pro-abort, the subject of coat-hangers, and why Campus Outreach with Survivors is a blast. You get to change the minds -- and lives -- of pro-abortion-minded people EVERY day. But she also gets the chance to show other pro-life students and peers how they can actually impact others to choose life!

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From the Trenches: "I was disappointed...I kinda wanted to adopt ten children."

From the Trenches: "I was disappointed...I kinda wanted to adopt ten children."

"Quite frankly, I didn’t believe a word of it.  But what if it was true?"

Mary Rose runs into wild pro-abort arguments -- and gets ready for a house-full! Or does she? Adoption is a valid choice. But abortion never is -- check out the blog for the whole story!

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Do You Hear What I Hear?

Do You Hear What I Hear?

It is people singing...How can that be?  

She is in the Los Angeles pit of despair: one square mile of downtown teems with purveyors of deathIndeed, there are ten abortion mills here waiting to strip her womb of the child within.

Are you the voice singing carols for life? Will you be?

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#ABQ: Urgent Help Needed! Survivors Video Exposes Pro-Abort Sabotage and Lies

URGENT! Albuquerque's late-term abortion ban attacked by Planned Parenthood's 1 million dollar opposition, and sabotage by pro-aborts.

Survivors is in the trenches, and Kristina says -- we need boots on the ground! Canvas, get out the vote FOR the ban, reach the city with the truth about abortion. It is urgent!

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