From the Trenches: More Than Two Front Teeth . . .

From the Trenches: More Than Two Front Teeth . . .

The Campus Outreach Team has had an amazingly successful semester. But they have also been non-stop on-the-road from Albuquerque to Phoenix to Denver to Los Angeles and across California! They've not only worn out the heels of their shoes, they've worn out the gear they use to get the message of life to their peers and the nation.

All they want for Christmas?  is to replace that gear and get back out there! You can help. Check out the Christmas list, and make your tax-deductive donation if you can.

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We've Survived 41 Years... Break In This New Year For Life with Survivors on Both Coasts!

We've Survived 41 Years... Break In This New Year For Life with Survivors on Both Coasts!

Join Survivors on both coasts!  We're taking activism to the next level as we break in this New Year with a resounding shout for life. Raise your voices with ours, and get your feet moving as we March For Life in D.C., and Walk the Walk on the West Coast in San Francisco for the babies.

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Take Action! ProLife Training in Denver!

Take Action! ProLife Training in Denver!

Register for a one-time pro-life training and strategy summit in Denver, CO! 

Survivors is taking our signature action-and-education model to Colorado -- don't miss out on key strategy to activating your community to save lives. 

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From the Frontlines: "I'm Gonna Abolish Abortion".

Alhambra High School, CA - A shocked student finds the Campus Outreach Team outside of his school during dismissal. Upon seeing the images of abortion victims, his life is changed forever. He recounts his reaction and his new conviction to abolish abortion.

This is the impact of showing a holocaust for what it is. 


Join Survivors in Phoenix, Arizona For One Long Weekend of ProLife Training and Action!

Join Survivors in Phoenix, Arizona For One Long Weekend of ProLife Training and Action!

Bootcamp training opportunity! First time ever Survivors has featured three  pro-life training camps in a year -- and Arizona Right to Life is hosting Survivors, and partnering with Students For Life to create this once in lifetime chance to engage with top pro-life leaders, and become a force in the momentum for justice in our nation!

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