We Call Them Survivors
/Dear Pro-Life Advocate,
I hope I speak for all pro-life advocates when I say that I am sick to death of the endless fighting over Planned Parenthood (PP) funding coming out of Washington, D.C.
Babies are dying and nothing is getting accomplished. The lies, propaganda, and carnage continue unabated, led by pro-abort progressives and the profit-driven baby butchers at Planned Parenthood!
Pro-abortion zealots will never stop fighting for the right to kill and unless we take decisive action now, Planned Parenthood and clinics like theirs will continue to thrive on America’s abortion-for-profit enterprise.
In fact, the news from D.C. is getting worse. After months of delay, Planned Parenthood finally released their required-by-law non-profit 2016 annual report. They didn’t want it revealed but they had no choice. The numbers are horrific.
Over 300,000 abortions performed at Planned Parenthood clinics. Over $500 million dollars taken in federal subsidies. Dramatic declines in non-abortion “planning” services.
This is not “planned” parenting, this is a holocaust and the victims are the babies whose bodies are being ripped from their mother’s womb!
Washington is not solving this. Planned Parenthood is too rich, too powerful and utterly ruthless in its campaign to keep abortion a part of American life.
I am sickened by this and I hope you are as well. It has got to stop and the ONLY way we can begin to save babies today is to march to the front steps of Planned Parenthood and one clinic at a time -- shut this monster down!
It can be done! We know how to do it. We’ve done it before and we can do it again. Each time we do, hundreds and maybe thousands of babies can be saved. It’s time to act decisively and we now have the pro-life recruits to succeed, but they need to be trained first!
For the last twenty years Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust has been the premier pro-life organization in America that trains and deploys pro-life advocates to effectively, legally, and safely fight to save babies and their families from the horrors of abortion.
Our list of graduates and participants include some of the most respected and successful pro-life advocates in America today. But it’s the rank and file, the new young recruits that we must focus on now.
This year we have maxed out our training camp budget, but we have a tremendous list of passionate young people still waiting to be trained. We do not want them to stay home! We want them with their youthful zeal, in the field saving babies!
If we raise $45,000 over the next 30 days, we can have one hundred new pro-life warriors trained, deployed, and stopping abortions almost immediately following graduation!
Imagine being spat upon, physically attacked, handcuffed, and thrown in jail simply for standing up for the life of an unborn child. Most people wither under that kind of intimidation. Not our guys. Not our warriors!
Every young person we put on the street will have enormous impact, especially these courageous youth who connect so easily with their peers. They have the passion, but standing up to the abuse, vitriol, and legal threats thrown at their pro-life activities takes guts and determination.
They’ll be taught how to handle it. They’ll be trained how to stand their ground, even against the harshest attacks.
They’ll know their rights because we’ve trained them. They’ll know their mission because God has called them to rescue those unjustly sentenced to death (Proverbs 24:11). They’ll also know that when things get really serious, we and our supporters like you have their backs! That’s empowering stuff!
But our pro-life warriors can’t just hit the streets carrying signs and chanting.
Imagine going up against a crazed mob pumped up by the juggernaut Planned Parenthood. It’s a daunting, potentially dangerous situation.
Over the last few years in particular, pro-life, anti-abortion activists have faced some of the harshest attacks ever. I’ve seen passionate young pro-lifers attacked, bloodied, and arrested for speaking out to save a baby’s life.
Very often our young Survivors are those activists! We learned long ago that to be truly effective, every pro-life activist must be trained to stand against the machine, to face the hatred, to win the battles, and to lay down their lives so others may live.
In other words, we want their protests to do more than make noise, make the news, and maybe change some minds.
We want them to save the babies and force abortion giants like Planned Parenthood out of our communities -- for good!
And that’s exactly what we are accomplishing.
I’m proud to say that our pro-life warriors, graduates of our Survivors training camps, are having a profound impact where it does the most good, at the front door of the abortion clinic.
It started by training our Survivor warriors to know and defend their rights. We had already won an important case that established our constitutional rights to target an abortion clinic’s business. We tested those rights. The clinic knew we were coming and had local police, federal marshals and the abortion clinic’s own off-duty policeman standing by. Undaunted by the show of force, our warriors took positions at the front of the clinic and knelt in prayer. Within 48 hours we were back in court only this time our rights were affirmed. We returned to the clinic the next day and kept firm with our vigil. Six months later -- that abortion clinic closed for good.
Make it local. Make it impactful. End the abortions.
When determined young pro-life advocates take their message to the front door of the abortion clinic in their own hometowns, abortion rates plummet.
And our number one tar get is Planned Parenthood, the poster child for profit-producing abortions.
Planned Parenthood’s weakness is greed -- and we’re exploiting that.
Everyone knows, PP is in the abortion business for the money. Yes, they go on about their “health care services to women”, but here’s the reality:
If you run a Planned Parenthood clinic and don’t turn a profit, you’re going to be shut down.
That’s right, Planned Parenthood is not in the business of women’s health, they’re in the business of killing babies and make a hefty profit as a result.
Just look at what they pay Cecile Richards (PP CEO). She took home a half-million dollars last year while pontificating on national media about the “essential” work PP does to deliver women’s health services to the under-served.
A total lie. When a Planned Parenthood clinic’s financials go red, they routinely shut the clinic down
Want proof? Here’s this. It didn’t make the news, but it should have…
Last year, Planned Parenthood closed 20 separate PP clinics. These clinics all had one thing in common; not one of them was turning a profit!
That’s where our warriors are trained to fight most effectively. We don’t close the clinics, Planned Parenthood does that for us!
Our warriors are trained to go straight to work on a single clinic setting up legally sanctioned resistance to the abortion services. With persistence and proven and effective tactics, the impact is felt inside. Abortion services plummet. Patients disappear. Babies do not die.
And when PP no longer profits from abortions, they order the clinic to close their doors! If they can’t make a profit, they are shut down!
Last step of a desperate clinic -- Planned Parenthood builds a wall!
In a desperate move to protect their abortion business, PP actually built this wall to keep our warriors away. Could this be their last attempt to save this clinic? It didn’t stop our warriors from keeping up the pressure and stopping the abortions it performed!
One at a time. Clinic by clinic. Kill the abortions and you kill the clinic.
With persistence and determination, coupled with a full understanding of their rights, Survivor warriors begin eroding the financial base of the targeted clinic then erase the abortion business entirely. And when the abortion revenue dries up, the clinic shuts down.
As I stated above, Planned Parenthood’s weakness is its greed. And what works to shut down a PP clinic works to shut down any private clinic as well.
Abortions stopped. Babies saved.
Last year PP shut down 20 of its own clinics because those clinics could not remain profitable. We believe that we can force them to close even more this year.
That’s why it is vitally important that we train as many of these young, enthusiastic pro-life warriors as possible.
You can help us achieve that objective.
This important new fundraising drive will determine how many additional Survivors training camps we can host this year. And we have to move quickly.
Most of our attendees are students who are only able to make summer dates. It is urgent that we get as many young warriors as possible trained for battle this summer. Your immediate support is crucial to the success of our 2017 campaign. These young adults will be out there fighting for what we all believe in -- the end of abortion in America.
Our young warriors are taught how to interact respectfully and lawfully with the authorities which are often called out by abortionists. Over the decades we’ve had many unlawful arrests -- but w e’ve never lost a leg al case where our warriors rights to protest were being challenged.
If you share that belief, we pray that you will take a moment right now to help these young pro-life champions with your generous financial support.
For every $450 we raise we can get another pro-life warrior trained and deployed. We have a tremendous waiting list of young people ready to answer the call and willing to sacrifice their summer to learn to save lives, we need only to find people like you, willing to give to make camp possible for these young people.
The young people who make up the core of future pro-life activities are the least able to afford attending.
Your help makes their participation possible!
We cannot keep these young eager activists standing in line for another 12 months, or worse, missing camp altogether because they cannot afford to come.
We need them out there fighting for life now!
We need them standing in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic fighting against this for-profit abortion monster.
We need them returning to their hometowns fired up and leading the fight to end abortion where they live.
We need them to carry that fight, and to be prepared -- to prevent them from being abused, assaulted or arrested by authorities or pro-choice abortionists! Knowing their rights and proper training can win the day!
We recognize that our trainees’ passion alone will not stand against the pressure of pro-abort zealotry -- particularly when that zealotry is fueled by the lies and propaganda from the progressive left and America’s number one baby-killer, Planned Parenthood.
To be effective, to be safe, these young pro-life warriors need our support and our training. We know that. We’ve been on the streets ourselves.
We know how to challenge the abortion cartel and their propaganda. We know how to make our voices heard and do so without violating the law.
Most important, we know how to change the hearts and minds of the young women and men who have been seduced by the treachery of baby butchers and the lies of “pro-choice” rhetoric.
This is what saves the babies.
Keep in mind what we are up against, perhaps the most powerful and richest lobbying machine in America today, Planned Parenthood!
The passion and the commitment of America’s next generation of pro-life activists is simply not enough to stand alone against these butchers. As must be the case for all effective armies, the troops must be trained! They must be provided the tools, resources and support needed to face their adversaries.
That is our core mission at Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust.
We are the oldest pro-life, anti-abortion organization in America today exclusively focused on the young people who are so desperately needed to win our war against abortion.
As a fellow pro-life advocate you must surely recognize that the passion and the commitment of the next generation must be nurtured and harnessed.
That’s precisely what we do at our training camps. We teach young advocates what works and what doesn’t. We show them how to respectfully and righteously stand for life and expose the lies of the abortion cartel. We teach them how to save the lives of the innocent.
Today the demand for our camps is greater than at any time in the past. We desperately need new funding to expand our program and get these warriors-to-be out there fighting for life!
To accomplish this, we need to raise $450 for every new recruit that wants to attend our training camps. Many who attend pay all or part of the bill themselves; that’s how passionate they are! But most are young with limited means. To attend, they depend on the support we receive from outside donations and sponsorships.
We must never turn away these pro-life activists for lack of funds!
Over the last twenty years, our group, Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, has trained more pro-life, anti-abortion activists than any group in America.
We are reaching out to the pro-life community to help us train all who want to fight for the lives of the preborn and end abortion in America.
Please take a moment right now to consider how your financial support today can enroll a young activist who cannot afford attending camp on their own. For one new pro-life warrior, $450 provides everything to complete the training -- food, housing, curriculum, experienced leadership -- it’s all provided.
We pray that you find it in your heart to help us prepare one young person for a future of pro-life advocacy.
Of course, any amount that you feel comfortable providing will be put to work. It only takes a few smaller donations to total a full sponsorship.
Many of our young attendees are intent on devoting their summers to pro-life activities. We hope to aggressively expand our Survivors training camp schedule this year to take advantage of their availability.
So please, do not set this aside. Should you decide to donate, we ask that you do so without delay. And never forget, more babies die every day, which makes the cost of delay intolerable.
Thank you for any support that you can provide and God bless you for believing that abortion remains the most heinous of sins and cannot be tolerated in our America.
One final thought: We will be concentrating our efforts on closing Planned Parenthood clinics for a few reasons that may not be obvious. Every time a PP clinic is shut down due to our efforts, others take notice. That would not be the case if we targeted an unknown local clinic.
Additionally, every time a PP clinic is closed because it can no longer remain profitable, the duplicity of the Planned Parenthood lie is exposed. They are not in business to provide a community health service, they’re in the business of making profit from killing babies. Nothing makes that more obvious than when they close a clinic because it no longer turns a profit. Help us expose these people and their lies for what they really are!
Please help us train these willing young people
to be the core of our 2017 Pro-Life Campaign!
Your contribution today will help put young, pro-life warriors on the streets fighting to save the babies and to end abortion in America!
This summer, we will deploy as many fully prepared pro-life warriors as we can train to carry your’s and our message of life to the streets. This campaign will focus on Planned Parenthood clinics nationwide in an effort to close as many clinics as possible by end of the year! Your generous financial support today will make it all possible!
These are the young people I want standing strong and fighting to end abortion in America. Here’s my contribution in full support of Surivors’ 2017 Pro-Life Warrior Training and Advocacy Program
$5,000 | $2,500 | $1,000 | $450
$200 | $100 | $75 | $50
$35 | $25 | Other
(Remember: Survivors is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Your donation IS tax-deductible.)