No Champion Here
/StemExpress CEO, Cate Dyer, in Center for Medical Progress video
McDermott Will & Emery is an international law firm and one of the largest law firms in the U.S., bringing in over $900 million annual revenue. So it made perfect sense that Stem Express hired the firm to represent them in their suit against David Daleiden, the undercover citizen journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood via video recordings selling aborted baby body parts in violation of federal law. In the recordings it was Stem Express who was the purchaser of these very body parts. By the way, the purchase of body parts is also a violation of federal law.
What doesn't make sense is that McDermott Will & Emery has now filed a motion to be removed from the case. What? A successful global law firm of that magnitude not wanting to take on such a high profile case? Perhaps it has to do with the fact that Stem Express is currently the subject of a congressional investigation that, with support from Daleiden's videos, has found Stem Express to have violated federal health privacy (HIPAA) laws by reviewing the health records of women scheduled to receive abortions without patient consent. Or perhaps the firm wants to be removed from the case because Stem Express violated federal laws governing human subject research by making aborted fetuses available for research without patient consent, or that they failed to obtain required approval from an Institutional Review Board (IRB) before conducting research on aborted fetal tissue. Or it could be McDermott Will & Emery wish to distance themselves because Stem Express purchased aborted fetuses from Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers in violation of federal law, and then sold aborted fetuses to university labs and other research facilities also in violation of federal law.
Cate Dyer, CEO of Stem Express, is shown in one of Daleiden’s videos rallying the “cause” of Planned Parenthood, saying, “You’re either in the cause or you’re not. And if you’re not, you should just go,” also stating that Planned Parenthood “want[s] champions in their house.” The true cause of Planned Parenthood she refers to is the willingness to sink as low as possible, whether that be breaking laws, violating privacy, selling cadaver parts, or essentially violating basic human rights and selling out fellow mankind, literally, for profit. It suddenly isn't such a wonder that a law firm of such high caliber would no longer want to be part of this case. Anyone who cared in the least bit about reputation would.
Why should we care about this news, and how does it apply to our cause as a community? One of the most important people we rely on to champion our cause is our own local congressman of the 31st district of California, Pete Aguilar. Unfortunately, he is no stranger to sinking as low as necessary for the almighty dollar. He receives funding for his congressional campaign from none other than Planned Parenthood, stating he "proudly" stands by Planned Parenthood "100%"- law breaking and all. In his failure to condemn the illegalities and involvement of Planned Parenthood and this case, and his refusal to call for justice, it is clear the cause he is in is only for that which furthers him financially and in power, just like his good friends Planned Parenthood and Stem Express. We will find no honor or care for reputation or responsibilities in Pete. As for McDermott Will and Emery, looks like they decided to "just go." And we should also. It’s too bad there's no champion in the congressional house of the 31st district. But come November, we have the opportunity to champion ourselves and change that.