Join Us this Saturday!
/ This woman brought her granddaughter in for an abortion and would not
take her out - but, at Jeff's request, she changed her mind and saved the baby's life.
Mother's Day is a beautiful holiday, celebrating the blessing of motherhood and honoring all mothers.
Sadly, the weekend prior to Mother's Day are still busy days for abortion clinics. Women enter these clinics as mothers, and leave as mourners.
Every Mother's Day, Survivors are outside local abortion clinics with flowers and Mother's Day cards for the mothers going into the clinic, encouraging them to keep their babies and providing alternatives to abortion. We also intercede for the lives of the preborn babies scheduled to die.
Bring your families! Parents and friends of all ages are welcome! Young children can contribute by sidewalk chalking in front of the abortion clinic.
This event features our beautiful Development of the Child series of signs, which demonstrate the personhood of children inside the womb during every month before birth. You are welcome to make signs showing your love and concern for the mothers and their babies, too!
When: Saturday, May 10th
Where: Planned Parenthood, Riverside
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Contact: Ashley for more details!
If you can't join us, plan one of your own! Gather your friends, a handful of small flower bouquets, sidewalk chalk, and plenty of brochures from your local pregnancy resource center, and go be a light in the darkness!
For details on how to organize a Mother's Day event in your area, contact us today!