American Holocaust Survivors Formally Request Inclusion in New Mexico Intolerance and Holocaust Museum

By C.J. Williams, Social Media Coordinator

ABQ, NM –8 Aug 2013– TodaySurvivors called on NM Holocaust and Intolerance Museum to install panel memorializing 56 million human beings killed in American Abortion Holocaust since 1973!  And at 3pm, we bussed three vanloads of our Do You Know? Do You Care? Campaign Survivors to a demonstration at 616 Central Ave. SW.

“The parallels are clear. Children die every day in the U.S. because they are handicapped, unwanted, or of another race – abortion targets the “undesirables,” just like Hitler did. This is intolerance beyond anything our world has ever seen.”

Jeff White's words quoted above echoed the sentiments of every young person there; and they all had their way of saying it: action.  They were ready to stand in front of the museum until we got an answer to the request to install a memorial to the ⅓ of their generation wiped out by the intolerance of abortion.

The Museum’s current information panels explain the nature and consequences of genocide, intolerance, hate, persecution, and indifference throughout World History. The Museum advertises: “Experienced docents connect the dots between bullying and the cruel and inhumane treatment of individuals or groups by others which ultimately can lead to genocide, a government sanctioned, systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, racial, political, or ethnic group.”

The parallels between the museum’s current featured genocides and abortion are exhaustive.  Here are just two, one historical, and one modern:

NAZI Germany - "A doctor may interrupt a pregnancy when it threatens the life or health of mother. An unborn child that is likely to present hereditary and transmissible defects may be destroyed."— German Penal Code and Hamburg Eugenics Court, 1933.

Modern Day - "No newborn infant should be declared human until it has passed certain tests regarding its genetic endowment and that if it fails these tests, it forfeits the right to live."- Nobel Prize winner Dr. Francis Crick.

This is especially appropriate in light of the late-term abortion rationale used by Albuquerque’s Boyd, Sella, and Robinson, who have gone on record advising women to abort because their child “isn’t perfect”.  Sella, in the documentary “After Tiller”, remarks, “I do think about what I do all the time. -- And at times. I struggle and at times I don't. But I always come back to the woman and what she's going through. And often . . . this baby had fetal abnormalities. Well I mean to be alive. -- horrific.”

She couches killing in terms of compassion, as if she is doing society and the mother a  favor by removing this miserable thing that isn’t perfect.

Abnormal.  Exactly as Hitler’s “Final” Solution painted Jews, the handicapped, blacks and gypsies as inhuman, better off dead.

NAZI Germany: "If it is pointed out that the Jew is human, I then reject that totally."
--Reichstag Speech, 1900

MODERN DAY: "It is a wild contention that newborn babies are persons."
- Dr. Michael Tooley, 1972.

Any person born after 1973 is a survivor of the American Abortion Holocaust. Over 56 million people have been systematically killed through abortion since its legalization.  Abortion has produced the largest holocaust that the world has ever known.

Survivors young people on the street. "Most people didn't know," said Aleia, 15, "They had no idea babies were being killed up to birth just because of an extra chromosome, or because of their sex."

Survivors young people on the street. "Most people didn't know," said Aleia, 15, "They had no idea babies were being killed up to birth just because of an extra chromosome, or because of their sex."

Survivors stand in front of the New Mexico Holocaust and Intolerance Museum today to highlight the blinding intolerance of a culture which accepts, and promotes, abortion.  And we are asking the institution to honour our brothers and sisters, who have lost their lives to the American Holocaust.  “We will work with the museum to design, pay for, and install the new information panels,” said Jeff, as he organized the youth pouring out of vans in front of the museum to hold signs portraying the violence of abortion.  “Ignoring the abortion genocide by not offering information about it to the community is an act of intolerance."

This is just another way to ask Albuquerque, and our nation, Do You Know? and if you say you care -- about “bullying and the cruel and inhumane treatment of individuals or groups by others which ultimately can lead to genocide” -- will you stand by that, will you be consistent, will you acknowledge the hidden holocaust of abortion in the United States?