A ProLife Christmas Carol: Over the hills and far away . . .

Survivors entered the waiting rooms of abortion mills in Los Angeles to sing carols and give gifts to the patients waiting there.  The abortionist came out of one clinic to talk to Lauren.  He insisted that he was helping women, but Lauren brought tears to his eyes when she asked him what the women looked like after he had killed their children.  At another mill, a girl went into the back room for her abortion after talking to Lauren, but came out a few minutes later and told us that she had decided to keep her baby!


After performing a flash mob at the local mall, dozens of students from Thomas Aquinas College descended on the Planned Parenthood in Ventura, CA to sing carols and offer hope to the women entering. A woman passing by stopped to tell them of her past - regretted - abortion.

Despite a small turnout, the carolers at Family Planning Associates in Montclair, CA, saw multiple cars enter the parking lot and then turn around and leave. Lauren did her best to console a man who said his wife was inside having his child killed. She also tried to help a woman who said her sister was inside having her baby killed. The clinic workers took both of their phones away so they couldn’t talk to their mother - who said she would help raise her grandchild.



Former and current Campus Outreach team members  - Sarah and Emily - joined up to lead Christmas Caroling in the East Bay area of California. Emily had the opportunity to urge an abortion clinic worker to quit, and to use her life to help women and children, rather than victimize them.


These carolers saved a life outside of Planned Parenthood in Birmingham, Alabama! A young mother chose life because these young people were there to help her.

Orange County:

This county hosted two events! Local Survivor supporter, Len, turned out as Santa the second time around. Paco joined C.J. for the first event, and reminded young mothers and passersby that every new life is a gift, not a burden as he held a huge wrapped gift, and a sign reading: Life is a gift. These families of carolers inspired one young women to leave the waiting room of Planned Parenthood of Orange with the gift they had given her.

Inland Empire:

Youth groups from the Inland Empire joined Survivors staff and volunteers for A ProLife Christmas Carol in San Bernardino, swelling their number to almost fifty carolers. For most of the youth, it was the first time they had ever been in front of an abortion mill. They say that they’ll join Survivors again soon.


Join us next time, or plan your event and let us know the life and joy your caroling brings to mothers in distress, and the babies you save by your witness.