Outreach: "That's My Baby!"

Today at Los Angeles City College, Mary Rose was mobbed by students looking at our fetal models. One cradled the 20 week old baby, feeling his weight. 

Out of the crowd, came one small voice: "Do you have one...like, 8 weeks old?" 

It was a girl, hovering, totally intent on the different-sized babies, one hand touching her navel. 

Mary Rose pulled out the 8 week old baby: palm-sized. "It has arms and legs!"

"Yep," said Mary Rose. Then the girl started asking questions like machine-gun-fire -- was her heart-beating? How fast was she growing? One after another after another. Mary Rose's heart sunk, but she answered.  

The 8 week old fetal model, cradled in Mary Rose's palm

The 8 week old fetal model, cradled in Mary Rose's palm

You see, Mary Rose has a record of getting post-abortive girls and women, and at this point, she was sure the girl had had an abortion. 

But then the girl raised her eyes, cradling the tiny child that just fit inside her fist -- and her face was shining. "I'm 8 weeks pregnant," she said, beaming, "And -- my boyfriend wanted me to abort." 

She looked directly at Mary Rose. "I am so  not aborting." 

This is what makes Campus Outreach so amazing!  Every day, we get the opportunity to save lives -- and see the beaming faces of mothers who have found the joy of new life.

Planned Parenthood would never have given this girl, or her baby, a chance.  Remember what a difference your  actions make, especially during Respect Life Month.  Abortion has no chance in light of the facts, and that 8 week old model of a baby, tangible, holdeable, and the real child growing inside the LA College student, is a mindblowing, irresistible fact.