Outreach Options:
We are flexible! We have described one way to do a pro-life caroling outreach, but we encourage you to be creative and do what best fits for your group. Here are some ways other communities have gone caroling for life:
- For the past fifteen years the Survivors have sung carols and delivered gifts to over 70 locations in the Los Angeles area. Not only do we deliver gifts with the Christmas story to abortion facility staff, but we also deliver the gift baskets to the expectant mothers inside the waiting room as they wait to kill their pre-born child. If your group is interested in hand delivering the gift baskets to the women waiting inside the abortion facility as part of your caroling outreach then please contact Survivors for more specific instructions and counsel from our experienced and knowledgeable leadership.
- The Pro-life Action League has their version of Christmas caroling called the “Empty Manger” Caroling Day, in which they bring an empty manger in front of several abortion facilities in the Chicago area and sing Christmas carols. Last year they had 150 people in attendance.
- If there is not an abortion facility in your community, (praise God!) then you could bring gift baskets and sing carols at your local Pregnancy Help Center.