Survivors ProLife Bootcamp!
Known nationally as the pro-life "boot camp,” Survivors ProLife Training Camps have equipped hundreds of high school and college students to be effective voices for the preborn.
From preparing a press release to sharing the truth of abortion on a street corner, the Survivors are trained as advocates of the highest caliber. Through the signature combination of classroom teaching and hands-on experience, the Survivors ProLife Training Camps are producing pro-life leaders for the next generation.
The Survivors ProLife Training Camp provides endless opportunities for exciting and effective activism. However, before our young people begin any activism, they will participate in several days of workshops and training sessions taught by experienced pro-life leaders. These workshops are designed to equip youth to confidently present the pro-life message on the streets, in schools, and to your peers.
Training topics include:
Why Pro-Life? The Basics, The Woman, The Child: A comprehensive presentation of the pro-life position.
Persuasively Defending Life: In-depth apologetics and ambassadorship. Preparing you to represent the plight of the pre-born in any situation, teaching you to engage in effectively dialogue with the ultimate goal of impacting hearts and minds.
Exposing the Abortion Industry: Because no one can fight an effective battle without first knowing the opposition. From abortion methods to abortion providers and promoters, the dark history and current status of the abortion industry in America is exhaustively examined.
Sidewalk Advocacy: Because the sidewalk in front of an abortion clinic is the last line of defense for a pre-born child and his mother, experienced sidewalk counselors will equip you to lovingly reach out to women with hope and alternatives to abortion.
Organizing the Fight Against Planned Parenthood
Activating Your Community: Taking the initiative, starting pro-life groups, engaging and activating your peers in their hometowns.
Media: From online social media to traditional print, television and radio, utilizing the power of the media to consistently present the message of life to the American people.
Legal Rights: What you should know as an activist about the Constitution, state and local laws, and how to interact with police at a pro-life event. Knowing your rights is crucial if you are to be an effective and unflinching voice for the pre-born!
Not only will the Survivors ProLife Training Camp train and equip youth to be effective voices for the voiceless, but also gives them an opportunity to try out a wide variety of pro-life events and activities during the second half of camp.
Activism includes:
• Prayer Vigils & Worship Events
• Street Activism
• Urban Outreach
• Campus Outreach
• Sidewalk Advocacy
• Memorial Die-Ins
• News Conferences
• Political Action
• Volunteering at Maternity Homes and Pregnancy Centers