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Abortion is not a women's issue -- but motherhood is

 By C.J. Williams, Social Media Coordinator


Abortion is not a women’s issue — but motherhood is

March is National Women’s History Month. It is also the month that I stood on the pavement outside a so-called health clinic, 700 E. Tustin Ave., Orange, CA Planned Parenthood, and watched an ambulance whip in to transport a young woman named Syra. She had come in for what she’d been told was a  perfectly safe and routine procedure, a choice on par with picking out stilettos or flats, or alcoholic or virgin cocktail.


She had come in for an abortion.

She screeched out to UCI Medical Center in ambulance.

Perfectly safe? A 911 call and ambulance speak volumes to the contrary. Medical procedure to give her power over her own body? Peculiar, since that procedure does not aim at any aspect of her body at all, but at the small body of her preborn son or daughter, on whose body it executes with supreme cruelty dismemberment and death. A simple choice, casual? Sure, if halting loitering is amiably solved by beheading loiterers; or stopping littering fixed by taking the hands off potential litterers. Oy, perhaps we could solve ordinary human growth the way the Chinese solved big feet: breaking and binding, until the spine curves over, and legs, shattered, refuse to thrive.

Pregnancy is a natural state, and a temporary one, and far from being a “medical disease” comes to a natural end, and usually a healthy one for both parties, in a maximum of 9 months.

Abortion is not a woman’s medical procedure. It is not a woman’s health issue. It is not about women at all.

Abortion’s stated and empirically demonstrable purpose is to kill a preborn child prior to birth.

I’ve been wondering what history will have to say about women though, in a March 5, ten, twenty years from now. In books; at podiums; in coffee shops or at the family table — will women tell their daughters how a self-absorbed, sexually-obsessed, perpetually stunted culture used women as pawns in a powerplay over life and death? Will teachers tell their students how again a society failed its most vulnerable members, women and children, by sending women to clinics with smilies pasted on their paperwork, and the word “choice” pasted over the deaths of their babies? Will we hear about the gut-twisting farce of a legal-system which allowed doctors to murder babies, and the government to do it in the name of the mothers.

Because history will have to come to terms with this — this pillar of our culture, which so many defend in the name of women. History will have to look at the deaths of millions and the abuse of millions clearly in the face.

Mothers, we killed your children and called it your freedom. Mothers, we surgically raped you; damaged your bodies; bled you and threw you into ER’s, where many of you died — and we called it your right. Mothers, we made you murderers, and we told you it was okay, it was just another casual choice.

National Women’s History Month.

Women — is this what we want to tell our daughters? Women, will history again look back on us as pawns, used, abused, and thrown away?

Mothers, we made you murderers, and we told you it was okay.

Abortion is a procedure aimed at one body: the child’s. Abortion is not a women’s issue — but motherhood is.

It is time we took responsibility for our choices, and for what will be our history. Listen to how this rings: Society killed your children in your name, and called it choice.