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Acting Pro-Life Saves Babies, Act Today!


When I graduated high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I signed up for Campus Outreach because it seemed like the best opportunity I had to fight injustice. And it was, everyday.  - Brianna Baxter

 Want to help abolish abortion by changing the  culture?  Our team is effectively turning the tide of  public opinion  against abortion.  A few quotes from  "pro-choice"  students we talked to this semester:  "Abortion is never  justified!"  "You totally changed  my mind." "I could  never do that to my baby."  Wait  a minute - "pro-choice"  students?!  Well, not  anymore.  These students, and  hundreds more like  them, started as "pro-choice", but  became  convinced abortion is wrong after seeing an  image  of an abortion victim, talking to one of our team  members,  or reading a pamphlet we gave them.  Every  day, each  team member has the opportunity to confront  the culture  of death head-on and convince hundreds of  students that  abortion is wrong.  Because of our team and other activists like them, students are finally seeing the truth and rejecting abortion.  Are you willing to stand with the victims and help end abortion?  We're now accepting applications for the fall 2015 Campus Outreach team!

Survivors Campus Outreach Team takes the truth about abortion to high schools, colleges, and youth groups throughout the country.

As a Survivors team member you will:

  • Talk to hundreds of students about abortion.

  • Plan and lead fun pro-life events with the team.

  • Learn to be an effective pro-life presenter.

  • Meet and work with national pro-life leaders.

  • Live in community with other pro-life activists and missionaries.

  • Grow in your faith.

Your commitment includes:

  • Dedication to ending abortion and living out your faith.

  • Willingness to work and learn on a team.

  • Fundraising $100 per week to offset the cost of room, board, and transportation.

APPLY NOW or email for more information.

The Campus Outreach team journeys across the states to spread the Pro-Life message by actively engaging students in dialogue and creating a personal connection with them with the aim of making abortion a personal issue. That's what makes it efficient, that's what makes it successful, that's what makes the Campus Outreach team the most fruitful investment for any young person who wants to make a difference. - Erick De La O