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Planned Parenthood Will Steal 22,500 Lives This Christmas. But.......

Our ProLife Christmas Caroling Event Saved Many!

This Christmas season 22,500 babies will never have their "First Christmas".  Planned Parenthood will rob them of their lives and their future.  Knowing this, Survivors once again armed ourselves with Santa hats, presents and the Christmas spirit! 

The first stop was the Planned Parenthood in Riverside.  Our group of carolers came together to call out to mothers walking into the death center.

One mother came over to us to explain how her child was labeled "high risk" and her doctors were pushing her to get an abortion.  There was a tension in the moment.  A life hung in the balance.  Survivor's team member, Lauren, gently counseled the mother about nonviolent, lifesaving options.  She shared the message of hope and love and suddenly the mother resolutely said that she wouldn't have the abortion. 

It was a joyous but somber time.  Seven other girls were still inside the Planned Parenthood for their abortion.  Lauren called out to another couple.  They were very hesitant and would not come over but we didn't give up on them.  We continued to pray for the life of their child. Eventually the couple left Planned Parenthood deciding to keep their baby as well.  Two lives saved! 

We pulled up to our second location, San Bernardino Planned Parenthood, and our sidewalk counselor immediately went over to a mother and gave her a Christmas gift. It was a triumph moment because others were watching.  This lead to another family leaving the facility. They walked out and keep on going, not looking back  as they left the death camp.  Another baby saved! 

It was then that the gravity of the situation hit us:  Our actions prevented Planned Parenthood from stealing those babies' Christmas and their families being spared the trauma of abortion. 

Our peaceful Christmas witness put a wrench into the abortion cartel's industry. Planned Parenthood, A.K.A. the Grinch, nearly stole those children's Christmas but through the efforts of a just few, their lives were spared.  You, too can be part of saving lives!

               Join us as we confront this evil! Join the Resistance!