Be a ProLife Advocate
When it comes to abolishing abortion, involvement is crucial. A movement only works when people are willing to move, and the innocent preborn cannot speak up for themselves. The Survivors offer many opportunities to get involved with pro-life outreach and activism -- everything from intense training camps and conferences to dedicated mission work and do-it-yourself local events.
Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Our generation is being challenged daily by an industry that kills 3500 preborn children every, single day. The Survivors choose to answer that challenge.
Check out how many ways the Survivors are ready to help you join the fight:
Join the Resistance! In response to the Center for Medical Progress videos that were released exposing Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts, we have started The Resistance.
Join our email list. Sign up for weekly News & Action Alerts by clicking the “Sign Up for Action Alerts” button on the right side of the page.
Survivors Upcoming Events. Find out what’s coming up on the Survivors’ calendar, how to participate, and where the Survivors will show up next. We offer pro-life events and activism throughout the year, from our summer ProLife Training Camps and Walk for Life Weekend, to the International ProLife Youth Conference and a ProLife Christmas Carol. Keep informed on what events are coming and “Sign Up for Action Alerts”.
Survivors Campus Outreach. If you are 18-30 years old and looking for the adventure of a lifetime, look no further! See lives transformed and babies saved through pro-life outreach at high schools and colleges across the nation while traveling with our team as a pro-life missionary. And if you can’t join the team, invite them to your town or campus to lead cutting-edge activism and help you become an effective abolitionist.
Survivors Missionary Internships. The Survivors have many internships for young people looking to use their talents and save lives. Not only do we offer an internship with our Campus Outreach Team, but we also have intern positions for videography, social media, graphic design, publishing, and more. Are you creative? Do you have a heart for pro-life ministry? Combine the two and apply for a Survivors internship today.
Educate yourself and others. To win the fight, you have to know the battleground. Get educated and equipped with Survivors training opportunities like our ProLife Training Camps, our annual International ProLife Youth Conference, or Survivors ProLife Presentations & Workshops. Once you’ve got all the facts about abortion down yourself, educate your friends! You can use social media, printed literature, or simply your own voice to bring a life-saving conversation about defending the preborn to the world around you.
Local Outreach:
Start a pro-life group. The Survivors can give you the resources and training needed to start a pro-life group on your campus, in your hometown or at your church. You can also invite the Survivors to your town or campus to lead pro-life activism and training. We exist to make you and your friends effective abortion abolitionists.
Plan your own event or outreach. Organize your local pro-life community to participate in a Survivors national event like our annual Mother's Day Outreach and ProLife Christmas Caroling, or contact our experienced staff for help with planning an event or project of your own. You can also schedule a Survivors Prolife Presentation or Workshop!
Support pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes. Volunteer at Pregnancy Resource Centers or Maternity Homes in your town. These ministries can often use extra hands to sort clothes, maintain the facilities, and sometimes even work directly with women in crisis. If you can't volunteer your time, organize a fundraising effort (coins in baby bottles, diaper drive, bake sale, etc.) to benefit your local center. A fundraising drive is also a great way to increase awareness in your church. To start, give your local PRC or Home a call and ask how you can help.
Sidewalk counsel at your local abortion clinic. Maintain a prayerful presence outside your local abortion clinic, especially during abortion hours. Arm yourself with pro-life literature and contact information for your local PRC, and offer the literature to every person walking in the door. This activity involves preparation and training. Check out our Sidewalk Counseling Manual, and please call or email with questions. If you are interested in regular sidewalk counseling, consider attending the upcoming ProLife Training Camp for the seminar and hands-on training.
Distribute fliers on your high school or college campus. Start a flyer distribution campaign at the high schools and/or colleges in your area, using literature from Human Life Alliance -- excellent for on-campus outreach. Invite the Survivors Campus Outreach Team, and we’ll help you get started!
Write a Letter to the Editor. You can advocate for the preborn simply by writing letters to local and national newspapers, posting comments on blogs, and making your voice heard through the written word.
Encourage your church to get involved. Invite your parish to participate in the pro-life movement through fundraising campaigns, youth group education, or one of our national events, like A ProLife Christmas Carol, Mother’s Day Outreach, or Walk for Life Weekend. See our Upcoming Events for a full list of activities that you can plan for your own parish. Or invite the Survivors to your church or youth group for a ProLife Presentation or Workshop.
Invest in the Survivors:
Whether you donate online or sponsor a young abolitionist -- your support is vital to this ministry. With your help, the Survivors are able to continue training and educating future pro-life leaders, effecting our culture with the Gospel of Life, and working to abolish abortion completely. Your gracious support does all of that! So please consider supporting the Survivors, either through prayer or donations. We cannot continue this important work without you.
Here are some ways that you can help:
Become a regular donor. Can you pledge $10 a month? $50? $100? Every gift, no matter what size, helps this life-saving work continue.
Pray with us. Nothing happens in the pro-life movement without plenty of prayer. Keep the Survivors and other pro-life organizations/missionaries covered in prayer as we fight daily for a culture of life.
Host a Meet & Greet. Meet & Greets are a fun and informal way for our supporters to invite their circle of friends to meet our team and hear about the vision and ministry of Survivors. Hear testimonies and stories about the impact of Survivors from our founders, staff, Campus Outreach Team, or from individual Survivors. We’ll also be happy to answer any questions that you or your friends might have about our life-saving work. A Meet & Greet can take place just about anywhere. Home, church, local restaurant -- wherever you choose. We simply ask each host to pick a location that will include food, invite all of their friends, and take up an informal love offering at some point during the gathering. To schedule your Meet & Greet, contact our Director of Operations, Cheryl Conrad, today.
Sponsor a young abolitionist. Do you know a young person who loves pro-life work and needs some extra training? Sponsor a youth to one of our Summer ProLife Training Camps or the International ProLife Youth Conference.
Host the Campus Outreach Team. The exceeding kindness of host families across the country makes our Campus Outreach Tour possible. Would you be willing to let a few pro-life missionaries crash on your floor? Your couch? Maybe you are able to provide a meal. You don’t have to leave home to become a part of our Campus Outreach Team. When you host a team of pro-life missionaries, you become family.